Online Assessments

Panchkosha Assessment

The Panchakosha assessment is based on ‘Panchakosha Nurturing model’. This model has been derived from ‘taittriya Upanishada’ of Yajurveda. According to this model, the human soul is provided five sheath body to attain its goal of life.

These five sheaths are namely ‘Annamaya Kosha’ is (Physical body), ‘Pranamaya Kosha’ is (Subtle body), ‘Manomaya Kosha’ means (Mind body), ‘Vidnyanamaya Kosha’ means (Intellect body), and ‘Anandmaya Kosha’ is (Bliss body). This is the world’s first assessment based on panchakosha philosophy, where you can check your status of Panchakosha development.

This assessment is ideal for students of any age

Trishakti Assessment

Is your performance is getting low, in your studies or at work?
Let’s know the reason “why?” …
According to Ancient Vedic philosophy, three energies are required to perform any action or work.

The three energies are:

Iccha Shakti. to have desire: one should first desire for the action or work
Jnana Shakti. knowledge: one should have knowledge of the action or work
Kriya Shakti. methodology of action: one should know the methodology to execute the action.

Here, in Trishakti assessment you will find the reasons of ‘why you are not able to study well?’, ‘What are the constraints in doing study?’ etc. that would help in finding solutions for your better performance.

This assessment is ideal for 10 to 18 years of age

For Queries, get in touch with Mr. Amod Shepal (, +91 9922071838 | +91 8888851827)

TMNP is a special interest group of Mensa India (Registered NGO under Society and Trust Act)
TMNP, Mensa India, Vinayak Bhavan, Jnana Prabodhini 510, Sadashiv Peth, Pune-30

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